Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Pearls among grains of sand...

In the current state of affair, we are overrun with offerings of knowledge, of ways to do things better -or smarter. Education is getting to be more - on demand. A look at my daughter’s school website includes Khan academy as a resource! Looks like our demand of a la carte from cable channels and content has migtrated to how we express our demand for information in general or self paced learning with immense choice in specific.

But as I see it, that has brought in a new cost - too much is being offered a la carte - a bit  counter productive. A quest via your preferred search tools - will leave us with a handful set of resources available on web,  - some free and some not, some great and some not so great. Question is, with limited time - how do we decipher which is the most efficient one for our needs. Ranking in becoming critical - and that reminds me the state of ratings services in financial market and where that went.

In the days going forward, that will be the key. Sometimes the best ones might not come up on the google search - for lack of keywords or marketing perhaps. Since when did good content need to market themselves.. unfortunately for ever - in the days of shrinking margins, and ever demanding business landscape.

Camera & Action .. on Architecture

Shawn would say he gets a vision of a merging roads - of various kinds.

Looking forward into future - if we could just see the culture of Gen Y, of new visualization techniques flourishing ( Prezi, D3, .. etc), of sudden growth of infographics, of extremely limited attention span - whats impact to org architecture & business decision making a decade later? Would they continue to operate in same pace and lack of vibrancy now - or would it transform or merge with a more effective story telling /story boarding way of expressions? Am sure there are other impacts to the future - but I am toying with the change visible in one area.. specifically communications,.. and visual comm.

The tools & resources are here --and getting more economical as the time flies. It would be miraculous to bring in a fresh touch of art and ingenuity to such areas of architecture as mundane as Capability Modeling, Gap analysis, strategic planning etc.

On the other hand, the prospect of these new forms of expression and its toolsets, do offer us a great way to introduce tomorrow’s leadership the time tested ways of Planning & Design from the last 3 decades.