Thursday, July 9, 2009


Ever wondered if the framer and the foundation guys brought their own blue print, what would happen to your home design. What's the probability you would be happy with your home, provided the frames line up with the basement walls. Thats what the blue print of the home does for you, thats why you hire an architect to build a model and give that to the foundation guys to use, and give a similar one to the framers.

So why so often, we see applications being designed and expanded, typically in small scale and sometimes in enterprise space, without a blueprint ever being considered? Would that design suffice your dream. What's the chance that you are going to be happy with your solution, that you paid for. Welcome to the world of data models/process models.

Hopefully this blueprint building effort will give you a chance to have a say in what you are paying to be built, not get blindsided after the whole application/solution is built.

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